New Google Logo

posted in: Google, Logo Design 13

So Google just released it’s new logo, but I along with others, are NOT impressed. So we here at Optimize Agency have designed a logo that we think would much better suit Google:


Let us know your thoughts!

13 Responses

  1. kadir

    As a logotype it will work as a logo mark it won’t. Just try isolating the G and you’ll see what I mean 😉

  2. Tammy

    This logo is way better than Google’s!

  3. Joshua Grant

    I hate their logo. There was no thought put into it. A first grader probably designed it

  4. Jan

    LOVE IT!

  5. Connor Bryant

    Quit trying to spam your business over Facebook

  6. Troy Davids

    Personally I think Google’s logo sucks

  7. Ashley

    I like how clean this one is. Very clean!

  8. M B Suresh Kumar

    The new Google logo trying not to offend anybody but lacks character. I feel the logo alternate above is much, much better.

  9. Geoffrey Belle

    Google tried to follow the whole Alphabet look, but it failed miserably and fell flat on it’s face. This logo is better by far! Great job!

  10. Math

    If at least this logo had any grid over it, would be better, but no. It’s a copy with another font and same colors. No study or anything to say that this is better.

  11. Tesh Hundarou

    Terrible logo Google

  12. Veronika

    Much better than original logo !

  13. duckbot

    maybe if you tilted the e just a tad bit up, it would be EVEN better.

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